Mighty Mito Guild Challenge Stitch-in Day
Learn about Mitochondrial Disease and the Mighty Mito Stitch-in Challenge
Have available information on Mitochondrial Disease for your Guild to learn (See resources listed, we are always happy to help in whatever way we can)
Enroll others into participating
Find a location to hold your stitch-in
Choose your pattern/s, you can view our gallery and get some ideas
Collect green fabric & contrast fabric, grey, cream, white, black or neutrals.
Pre cut if you wish to appropriate size or strips depending on pattern of your choice
Thank you for being a MIGHTY MITO STITCHER!!!!!
Challenge Contest

Throughout the year we will hold draws to thank guilds for supporting our project, if your guild is a winner we will contact you via the email provided. Fill out the contact form below with the following information to be entered into our challenge contest: